Sitemap, Directory, List of All Web Pages at SALIU.COM
By Ion Saliu, Webmaster, Site Owner
This is a most comprehensive list of the pages that are part of the SALIU.COM website, including subdirectories and subdomains.
This sitemap was created in the manner of search engine display. A search operation such as lists the pages engines indexed at a website. Such list can never be complete as the search engines do not index every page that belongs to a site. The Webmaster, however, always list all the pages in a file named sitemap. In my case, that file is always up to the minute. You can always see it here (for the main domain):
The sitemap of this Web site consists of 18 directories (November 2014). Each component of the sitemap lists about 50 Web pages each, including subdomains. Each entry of a directory shows the clickable HTML title, plus a short description, and the short URL (e.g.
The top 50 pages of lotto, lottery, gambling, roulette, blackjack, systems, software, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, sports betting, horse racing. These Web pages are also ranked high in searches comprising the keywords listed above.
General topics: Software, lotto, lottery, gambling, sports betting, systems, football, calculate probability or odds, algorithms, random number generators.
General topics: Super Roulette Strategy, other gambling systems, roulette systems, strategies, fights against Ion Saliu's gambling mathematics, systems.